Marketing Strategy Development

Go-To-Market Strategy Development

Refine your product’s purpose

Identify the breakthroughs

Hone messaging to enable the market to appreciate the offering

Identify Strategic Growth Opportunities

Responsive to current market demand dynamics

Responsive to current market demand dynamics

To major trends currently defining audiences

Translate Offering Features Into Solutions

Addressing the problems buyers are trying to solve

Frame our story in our prospects’ language

Map opportunities to buyers’ requirements and challenges

Identify Optimal Markets

For rapid market share growth

Align the offering with optimal vertical markets

Define personas

Identify Adjacent Moves

With the highest probability of achieving long term profitability and recurring revenue

Architect How to Engage

With each identified vertical and title for a path to decision

Guidance to address buyer’s needs

Clearly define our understanding of the various issues for each type of buyer

Clearly and accurately explain our offering in the language of our buyers

Memorializing the Marketing Strategy as a Product Launch Plan

As your Fractional CMO Group marketing resource refines the marketing strategy while collaborating with the different disciplines representing the client, we capture our results in a written Product Launch Plan


Getting Your Buyers To Appreciate Your Product’s Value